API return codes

500, Mimi's having a moment page if @[[unsubscribe]]@ or @[[tracking_beacon]]@ has been left out
400, "{email} is suppressed" if you're using @check_suppressed@
500, "Unable to deliver email to email. Please contact support@madmimi.com."
409, "You do not have a list named {list name}."
503, A message of our choosing while doing upgrades :)
403, "Please enable the Mailer API on your account"
403, "Your account has been suspended. Please contact support@madmimi.com."
403, "Your account has not yet been approved to send emails. Please contact support@madmimi.com."
402, "You have reached your audience limit, please upgrade your account"
400, An error message of some kind
404, "There was a problem adding {email} to your audience."
409, "You do not have a promotion named {promotion name}."
403, "Your body parameter was unable to be parsed, due to: {message}. Please ensure the body parameter is valid YAML: {yaml}"
403, "Your email has {placeholders} in it, but you have not specified their replacements in the body parameter, which was: {yaml}"