
Macros are basically placeholders that allow Mimi to insert the relevant HTML into your email in order to achieve a certain goal. Mimi makes the following macros available to you:

[[peek_image]] or [[tracking_beacon]]

Facilitates the tracking of email views, as well as views from forwards. This is required for HTML promotions. It produces an img tag with a specially crafted invisible gif image.

[[opt_out]] or [[unsubscribe]]

Provides a link that allows the recipient to unsubscribe from your newsletter. This is required for mailings sent to a list or all your audience, but not required for transactional emails like order confirmations or password resets. This generates only the url of the subscribe page which can be used inside an href, for example:

<a href="[[unsubscribe]]" target="_blank">Unsubscribe</a>


Provides a link that allows the recipient to subscribe to your newsletter. This is useful in the scenario where the original recipient might have forwarded the email to someone not yet subscribed. This generates only the url of the subscribe page which can be used inside an href, for example:

<a href="[[subscribe]]" target="_blank">Subscribe</a>

[[forward]] or [[forward_link]]

Provides a link that allows the recipient to easily forward your newsletter to recipients of their choice. This generates only the url of the forward page which can be used inside an href, for example:

<a href="[[forward]]" target="_blank">Click here to forward to a friend</a>

[[web_link]] or [[web_view]]

Provides a link that allows the recipient to view your newsletter in their browser. This generates only the url of the web view page which can be used inside an href, for example:

<a href="[[web_link]]" target="_blank">View on the web</a>


When this macro is used, the audience member you’re sending to will be suppressed until they click on this confirmation link in the email. This is useful for double opt-in scenarios as a new audience member would be added to your audience and suppressed as unconfirmed. This generates only the url for the confirmation and should be used inside an href, for example:

<a href="[[confirmation_link]]" target="_blank">Confirm</a>


Similar to the [[tracking_beacon]] macro, this facilitates the tracking of views from emails that are forwarded from within the recipient's email client. This produces a set of css rules and should be used inside a style tag. In order for the style tag to be ignored by Mimi's style inliner, add a data-mimi-keep='skip' attribute to the stylesheet, for example:

<style data-mimi-keep='skip'>[[native_forward]]</style>


Provided you have the Social Links addon configured, Mimi will add a set of icons that link to your favorite social networking sites. Use this add-on to encourage your readers to connect with you on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and others. This produces the images and links for your Social Links and is often best used in a centred div.

[[facebook_like]], [[twitter_share]], [[plusone_share]] or [[pinterest_share]]

Provides a link that directs the recipient to view your newsletter online, but once the page has loaded, a popup is displayed allowing them to easily share your newsletter on their social network of choice. This produces the image and link for sharing on that network.