Sending transactional email with the Mailer API

POST to with the following parameters


Required. The name of the promotion Mimi will send. For raw_html or raw_plain_text promotions, Mimi will automatically create or update the promotion in your account.


The subject of the email. Will default to the promotion_name if not supplied.


The from address. Just the email address or in Display Name <> format.


An email address to CC. Just the email address.


An email address to BCC. Just the email address.


Required. The recipient (singular although the parameter name is plural) again just the email or in Display Name <> format.



The custom HTML to send. Can be used on its own or in conjunction with raw_plain_text.


The custom plain text to send. Can be used on its own or in conjunction with raw_html.


Checks if the recipient is suppressed and does not send if so (default:off)
WARNING: This parameter must still be included if the transactional email includes an unsubscribe link.


Enable or disable link tracking in HTML promotions (default: on).


Enable or disable view tracking in non-custom HTML promotions (default: on).


Creates the promotion as a hidden promotion so as not to clutter up your web interface (default: off).


Required if you have placeholders. YAML encoded replacements for any {placeholders} in your promotion.


If you would like Mimi to ignore any {placeholders} you can add this optional parameter (default: false).

list_name or list_names

In addition to sending the email, add the audience member to these lists. This is a CSV encoded list of lists.


For transactional emails using raw_html you must include either the [[tracking_beacon]] or [[peek_image]] macro (they are aliases). This is used for tracking opens.

You can also include a [[confirmation_link]] macro in the body of the mail. When it is used, the audience member you're sending to will be suppressed until they click on the confirmation link in the mail.

Boolean parameters

For the boolean parameters like track_links you can use true, on, or yes for the affirmative, and false, off or no otherwise.


The API will respond with a unique transaction code if successful (use the Transactional Mailing Status method later to discover the status), or could return any one of the Mailer API error codes.